Level Design Mentorship

Learn level design week by week with a structured and curated design path. Each exercise teaches you important concepts in level design in easy to understand weekly lessons. After completing this course, you'll know the process and techniques used by professional level designers.

Aftermath - Call of Duty Advanced Warfare

Week 1 : Introduction & High Concept

This week we're going to get started making a level that would fit in the Uncharted universe. We'll start by getting ourselves familiar with the game, think of some interesting areas that the level can take place and identify one core experience, or High Concept that our level's design will reinforce.


Week 2 : Planning & Reference

This week we're going to look at how to gather reference for your level and plan out the level experience using a variety of methods.

Paper Map

Week 3 : Paper Design

Now we'll take the level moments you put together in your and create our 2D Paper map. This paper map is used to help plan out where our specific events will take place, get a feel for the space you intend to use for those moments and see the inter-connectivity of your ideas. This is one of the most important stages.


Week 4: Whiteboxing